We CREATE BRANDS and we help you PROMOTE them.
Our full range of strategic and creative branding services provide effective results within a decent time frame and budget. We focus on essential services that are:
Brand consulting
Brand audit
Brand strategy and development
Brand positioning
Brand Architecture
Brand naming
Corporate and brand name
Naming systems
Slogans and Tag Lines
Brand design
Logotype & Visual identity
Brand applications
Peripherals and signage
Package design
Digital material design
Printed material design
Brand communication
Communication strategy
As the last piece of the puzzle in the whole branding and design experience, compelling content is key.

Benefits for you:
-       An unbiased,  objective point of view on your market communications
-       The knowledge and experience of a professional team
-       A simplified branding process from a reliable partner who handles it all from the beginning to the end
Brand loyalty is the corporate insurance for steady growth. In the globalized world, markets are changing and renegotiating relationships at breathtaking speed. What seemed to be a reliable niche for you today might be gone tomorrow without warning. This is why a powerful brand image, designed and developed professionally is mission critical.
A brand’s website is its new shop front, and the consumer marketplace is increasingly shifting online. Our digital team is adept of designs driven by business priorities, and development backed by solid technical expertise. 
Building a brand is about creating an emotional, long-term link between buyer and seller. This is achieved through the association of certain qualities, promises or values with a particular brand. This constitutes the brand image.
Brand awareness means ensuring that the brand image of a company is recognized as such. What image a company wants to portray depends on a variety of factors – market positioning, short and long-term goals and actual offering, to name but a few. Nevertheless, the image that the company actually portrays in the markets could be quite different from the intended image. The ultimate goal of branding is to build loyalty for the company amongst existing customers and increase the interest of potential customers.
A brand is a decision-making shortcut for existing and potential customers. Loyalty ultimately leads to repeat business, and word-of-mouth recommendations from existing customers. It also creates receptivity in potential customers. In other words, if you want to redesign your communication approach on a limited budget and for a short timeframe, we provide professional help to get  your marketing started in the right direction.

Your name and identity logo are two of the most valuable assets you possess.
For this reason, you need to have developed the rules governing the use of your logo. Your logo makes an impression on everybody who sees it. It is a reflection of your mission, vision, and values. It represents your ideals, history, both for the outside customers and your staff. In short, your logo is a reflection on all of you.
When thinking about corporate identity, first thing you have to achieve is the consistent usage of an organization’s logo within any number of applications including advertising, letterhead, business cards, envelopes, signage, promotional materials, etc.
But the identity doesn’t rely on image only. The words you use are also important. The words that transmit those messages to you are known as "corporate criteria words." They indicate the values and focus of a company. Simply, everything the company does or says or publishes paints a seemingly invisible picture of itself. All of those cues add up to the corporate identity.
We are basing our decisions on the information you provide, as this helps us create a corporate identity that will work for you and your customers.
We are specialized in shaping & reshaping the perception of corporations. This can involve logo and corporate image (re) designs, slogan creation, new company collateral and professional copywriting services.

As a creative shop we can offer creative services at the request of a direct customer. Very often however, advertising agencies outsource creative work with us as well.
 With the best interest of our clients in mind, CREATIVE CORPORATION has developed a standard set of methodologies that are applied to every initiative we undertake. Our proprietary design and interactive processes are vigorously followed to ensure quality and efficiency in everything we do.
 These processes have been designed to challenge the conventional agency/client relationship by enhancing the way in which we partner with our clients in this creative venture. The implementation of these processes has made us successful in helping our clients define, execute and exceed their goals.
However, if you are looking only for professional help in a specific area only, we may also offer you tailored solutions as segregate services from our full communication concept. Call us NOW: +40 745 155 425

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