We have assembled together a team guided by two marketing and design specialists who are intimately familiar with the strategic, creative and technological implications inherent in brand-building.
We know that successful businesses are about successful communications, and we are communications experts. CREATIVE CORPORATION offers [re]Branding for SME’s. Whether you wish to cultivate your image, promote your products or develop your own business, we are the people who can deliver what you need.
CREATIVE CORPORATION is focused on Message.
Our expertise allows us to offer brand communication services that will capture the attention of your clients, target your market and communicate the message effectively.
The performance of your New Brand will be seamless, the interactivity inviting, even compelling, and the graphical environment we create will be both artful and appropriate to your business.
Here, at CREATIVE CORPORATION, we believe we have not only the creative talent, technical expertise and business means to make your business successful, but we have the positive attitude and dedication to serve, that makes us more than just a vital resource.
What we are offering is intelligent partnership. The service range we provided includes:
• Branding & advertising strategy • TV & Online Consulting • New communication channel strategy proposal • Creative online shows proposal and production • Naming • Corporate Identity • Packaging Design • Environmental Design • Interior design • Digital branding • Brand Communication • Layout conceiving for press, package and promotional materials • Production of audio & video commercials, printing, promotional items • Media planning and buying • Exhibition stand decoration • Marketing consulting • Image consulting
As the advertising market becomes more and more competitive and complex, we hope you’ll consider our offer and make a professional choice